Proper Seeding Depth
The seed in our blends are from very small to relatively large and it is important that you have good seed to soil contact for the larger seed to be able to imbibe enough water to germinate but also it is very important to not bury the small seeded species too deep because they don’t have enough stored energy to emerge from deep soil depths.
Soil Sample
The soil is the foundation of a successful food plot so its best to know what nutrient levels are in the soil so you can address any deficiencies and also not over apply nutrients that you don’t need.
Plant into a Clean Seedbed
For the best results plant your seed into a clean prepared seedbed. You can disk away the residue or if you’re able to manage residue with a drill that is also another good option. Also be cautious of armyworms they can infest your food plot after it emerges if you plant too early. I usually recommend planting the first of October in our geography that usually gets you past the armyworm flights.
Seeding Rate
On our Bluff’s Blends products we recommend at least 75 pounds to the acre unless you have very small food plots (less than an acre) or high deer pressure then plant 100 pounds to the acre. Our percentages for the clovers and brassicas are designed for 100 pounds to the acre but you could get by with 75 pounds under the right circumstances.
Fertilizer Recommendations
I recommend fertilizing based of a reputable labs fertilizer recommendations for the crop mix you’re trying to grow. Some species prefer different pH levels and require different levels of different nutrients. The soil lab would give you specific recommendations based off the nutrients in your soil. If you didn’t have a soil sample its just a guess but a good starting point would be 200 pounds of Super 13 to the acre. You can apply that at planting but a best management practice would be to apply it after your plants emerge and are actively growing to be able to take up the nutrients they need. For additional growth you can apply some additional nitrogen 45 days after planting.
Manage for Year Round Forage
Once you get through hunting season the grass species in the our Bluff’s Blend slow down vegetative growth and start turning their attention to producing seed. During that transition the palatability of the forage is reduced and you will notice less deer activity in your plots. We recommend to terminate these grass species out of your plots in late February to early March with either a graminicide to only kill the grass or you can accomplish the same thing with multiple mowings. This allows the clovers and brassicas in our blends to have less competition so they can capture more sunlight and nutrients to be able to feed your animals into early summer. You can also apply 50 to 100 pounds of 8-24-24 during March or April if your soil recommendations show a deficiency in phosphorus or potassium.